Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Received Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Do you need any medications??
no, medications are for the faithless. Just kidding. I really don't need anything. We have some tylenol I take if I ever have a headache or anything, which I usually don't hesitate to take even if it's not too much pain. It's there, so might as well use it.

What happened for transfers this week??
So transfer day (the day of the big meeting with all the moving people and the swaps) is always on a thursday (tomorrow). That is why P-day is wednesday, so it can be the day before transfers so people can pack. Transfer Texts (texts sent to everyones phone, saying where everyone went, so you can keep track of where all your buddies are) are sent the saturday before. So we already got the texts, so we know what will happen, but it has yet to actually commence.
A normal text would say something like "Elder Cole (southcoast) to Canton" and so on with all the changes. The AP's who physically type up the transfer texts (sent from an email) always ask the "dying" missionaries what they want there's to say, and they try to be clever and say something like "to the desert" if they're going to Utah or whatever, so for Elder Gallagher's he had them put "Was translated" so that's whats going to happen to him. Elder Wright, who i've never met will be coming here. He's currently serving in the stake in Rhode Island

How was the leaving of Elder Gallagher?
he's got the odd mixture of emotions that would be expected.

You must have a new companion, please tell all!
Tune in next week for that answer!

Where are you….new area, new address?
same place. It's rare for both to leave at the same time. I'd have been a bit upset if that's what happened

What are you doing for P-day today?
Going to meet up with other missionaries to play a little basketball, and then magic. We already went to the magic store so Elder G could make his final purchases and of course we could say good bye to the funny nerd guy who works there.

Have you or the Ward members discussed Thanksgiving…as in where you will eat?
We're going over to Sister Masi's house, she has us over every other Sunday, and she signed up for Thanksgiving at the beginning of the month.

we're eager to get going, so I'm going to be extra quick this time. We did a couple interesting things this week. Remember we helped someone roof a garage a bit ago, this week we helped someone put a tarp on there house because they can't afford to roof it. They have to cut a hole for the chimney and everything and tie it down. It's a guy we like a lot who's fallen on a lot of hard work, less active member, works on Sunday, still a strong believer. He likes one of the same games as Elder Gallagher (called LoL, I forgot what it stands for, The game is like Dota) so they can play together when he gets home, kind of funny.
We had our big zone conference with Elder Nielsen. It was good. It was funny he is still obsessed with noticing all the exclamation points in the book of mormon. It was not like our other big meetings, which are almost all training, like focus on gaining skills and doing things a certain way, this one was much more about doctrine, really learning and understanding it. Then we went to go be a part of a Stake missionary fireside thing. It was a neat experience. We talked about preparing to go on a mission (I focus on prayer and scriptures) and being missionaries now. We had them rile play bringing up church things in conversation and inviting a friend to mutual. To be good at something it takes practice, so if you want to be a prepared missionary, you got to practice! Do missionary things now (read the scriprtures, pray about real life important things, and share the gospel).  We were only a small part of it, but we stayed till the end because President Packard came. Of-course he did a great job and inspired all the kids
President Packard tried to call us yesterday, but we missed the call, and he never picked up when we tried to call him back. I guess he's telling my i'll be DL again. We heard the districts might be changing, so there might be different companionships in my group.

me gusta hablar something en espanol, pero, yo no remember any words! Anyways be beuno y amable y feliez y don't be triste!

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