Monday, March 4, 2013

Received Monday, March 4, 2013

 Zak forgot to bring his cord for his camera today so he could download some pictures. Hopefully, he'll send some next week! In the meantime, here is one of him looking in the mirror:

What Zak likes to eat for breakfast....looks like a bit of everything!

Did you get my letter in the mail with the stake paper in it?
yes! it was a good letter and interesting to read the stake paper. I forgot I was going to bring that with me so I could comment on a few things. grr.  I've spent a lot of time working with part member families, sometimes the member is reactivated and sometimes the non-member spouse is the one who is initially intrigued and it ends of uniting the whole family.

What about sending your pictures.....
Ever hear from your fellow missionary with the washing machine pictures?
I forgot to bring my cord with me to get the pictures onto the computer. sorry :(
I'll email Elder Wilding today about the dryer pictures

HEY! You DID e-mail MUCH (hours) earlier last trend? Is it because of the new companion? New way of doing things? Shocking, but nice.
ummm hard to remember. I think Elder Holt had a lot of people to email last week.

Talk about e-mailing, where you go (Library, I think), do you stand while doing it? Did you have to get a Connecticut library card?
library. using a library card for a missionary who was here probably 15 months ago. not standing, just sitting in a chair. you're usually only allowed to be on for 2 hours, so normally we stay the whole time.

Griffin did want to know if you lost any bets. I didn’t quite understand the question, but you can answer if you do.
I think the last time I lost a bet was at BYU when I bet a friend I'd do better than him at a final. I mentioned that I won a bet about getting in the dryer. often when people say something is impossible I'll ask how many pushups they'll bet on it, but pretty much they never will. That's really the reason the whole dryer experience happened.

that was an exciting email from you guys!
I'll be interested to hear what Action Jackson does. If he leaves I really hope it would be the patriots. It would be kind of fun to see him play here. it seemed like the RB we just drafted was sort of unimpressive though.

Free Jimmer!

about the ipod, I'm not going to need it. If i were to get an mp3 player (not currently planning on it) I would get a generic one that doesn't demand Itunes like Ipods do.

about Car-ice tracting: we don't really do much tracting here, so it might not be the best idea. A better idea would be to take members with us on splits and then do some impressive fishtailing. They would be impressed with the focus and diligence that is manifested and then promptly invite all their friends to church. I bet if a second edition of the PEM comes out that's what it'll be all about.

Has mom been reading that book? any thoughts?

sounds like kylie is just doing soccer all day every day, and I didn't know she had been playing guitar again! Whenever i see other people do musical things I sort of wish I had given in to some of my ample childhood chances to build a talent there.

Call our ol' pal Brother Kent down to help out with Griffin's baseball team. (and sign mom's old cast!)

I'll be excited to see the new ward bulletin; does it still have a random question with a reward?

also, I would be interested to hear kylie's reasoning behind going into that honor's class.

this has been another good, a bit long, week for us. No big giant news pieces are coming to mind.
except transfers are a week early this time. This saturday we find out what happens and the thursday afterwards is transfers. It'll be shocking if I go anywhere, but Elder Holt has been here a fairly long while. I don't think he'll go though.

We've been trying to juggle all the different good things we can do and do what's best. between working with our investigators (most important) and less actives, recent converts, a big young single adult list we were given to track down and big (not young )single adult list, working with members, and assignment from the bishop, etc, it's a lot to organize. Much, much better to have a giant list of things to do than a empty one!

In our Missionary prep class they've extended 17 invitations to church activities in the weeks (between the 5 boys), which is pretty cool. Most of the time the people actually came which is always nice too. Kylie should take it as a challange and try to beat the class.

We have a baptism this sunday which is awesome. It's all pretty much organized too; i'm giving a talk on the holy ghost.

Yesterday was pretty good, Sundays are mostly always pretty productive. I was joking with elder Holt though, that there needs to be an hour long social every sunday just so we can have the time we need to talk to/set up appointments with etc everyone we need too.

Afterwards we were able to have a good meeting with a family and set up a few appointments where the father can come with us to appointments with people on his home teaching list who we know that he doesn't. We're trying to do a lot of that sort of thing along with talking with them about doing missionary work.

At the end of the day we got to go give a blessing to sister Lang. Brother Lang was baptized like a week before I got here, and now she sort of slowly getting reactivated. At first she sort of fought it, but Leo (brother Lang) is totally converted and the kids like coming to church too. Her asking for a blessing was a great sign. The gospel has had an awesome effect on the family, it's been really cool to see, even though I wasn't there for the beginning. Yesterday while we were teaching gospel principles (found out like 10 mins before the lesson) we were talking about obedience and 2 people told their stories about the word of wisdom. The first person talked about how he had random awful stomach pains his doctor couldn't figure out. prescribed him a bunch of stuff that didn't work. Then we started living the word of wisdom (big ice tea drinker) and they stopped. It wasn't till afterwards that he was able to connect the dots. the 2nd person was Leo who's story was pretty similar, except his diagnosis was a little easier since apparently he was an intense alcoholic.

Today we're doing our regular things, then playing basketball in our ward building with some people from our zone. It should be really fun. I wished our ward's youth/elders quorum/whoever had a weekly basketball game, even though we would rarely be allowed to go. It's an easy thing to invite people (potential investigators, less actives, recent converts, random friends) that has facilitated in a lot of people's conversions. I guess that's unrelated though.

Also today as part of our shopping we had to buy stuff to make cookies with because the winner of our mission prep class's invite competition wins them.

Do the KFC's in the west ever have buffet's inside? Here some do, so that's what we're going to do for lunch. after the P-day part of the day we have a dinner appointment with an awesome family (and not just because the father works for ESPN)(he's somehow in charge of their pay-per-view products. I apologized that I never have purchased any. he said it was ok). Then we have a lesson with an investigator to end the day.

I think that's just about mostly everything! have fun in sunny hawaii!/in the house with steven and heather and kids/in school! (I think that covers everyone)

Cole family power!

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