Monday, March 18, 2013

Received Monday, March 18, 2013

Little did he know, back in 2007, that he was posing for a "Super" photo for his mission blog in 2013!

Las Preguntas:

Do you remember how you knew/heard of the Neilsons?
I think the Walburgers also knew them

Did you wear green on Sunday?
yes, I wore my green tie. I was somewhat shocked that I saw only a few others doing the same, one person did where an entire green suit though. how green was arcadia ward on sunday? I believe we know at least 1 person has a green suit there

If not, did you get pinched?
no pinching

Did you get pictures sent?? We always love those!!
no, but I really should have time to send it off today. It made me realize I haven't taken very many pictures since I've been here, I'll have to take more. I don't now if you'll even really get to see Elder Holt in this batch.

How does your companion, Zachary, spell his name?
unlike me, he spells it the way his birth certificate does. with an A (Zachary)

Speak about your boots.
I like them. I've worn them probably 15-20 or so times. I don't if I will again until next winter though

What are you doing for fun today?
the P-Day things we are doing today are currently planned as follows: email family. Do 1 quick load of laundry (since it was a short week). Write letter to family about pictures and send it. Go to the stake center and play basketball with some missionaries in the zone (one of our ZL's really likes basketball). Go Shopping for the things we need. That reminds me, can you send me more socks, specifically black ones? many of mine started shrinking, every time I wash them (a lot. I should take a picture. some basically look like baby socks. some I just pull on anyway and as result now have holes from being stretched too much). Probably I should pull them out of the dryer sooner, but too late.

Do you go to a Laundromat? Oh, yes, you do. Do you do that on your P-day?
Oh, yes, we do. we go in the morning and do our studies there while everything washes (and dries. and shrinks).

What did you eat for breakfast?
I told you! I always eat candy for Brexfix!
When we were sick we called the nurse to tell us how to cure ourselves. She said eating yogurt would help so we bought some. I don't know if that really helped us get better (we are better now) but it was pretty scrumptious. Remember when I made that gross food concoction? with greek yogurt and oatmeal and stuff? For the past few days I've been eating something like that, but with regular good yogurt. It's yogurt and granola in a bowl, like cereal, and almonds mixed in too. Also today I put in some oatmeal (raw) and liked it with that. If I had an apple I would have sliced that up to. It's too expensive to have that all the time though.
Before I got sick I had been eating Oops All Berrys Cap'n Crunch, which tastes great, but I never really feel good afterwards.

Anyone take you out to eat at a restaurant? (Like Steven got on his mission?)
There was someone in my first area who feed us about once a month at a restaurant. Every time he loved to tell this joke about how we could order whatever he wanted because he was paying with a stolen credit card. He also would just about always tell us about how funny it was to tell that to past missionaries and see their reaction.

I think just once here someone took us to Panera Bread, but other than that it's always been at a members house. It's better that way too. There's probably only been 2, maybe 3 days we weren't feed a dinner or lunch. Also there's a recently reactivated lady who makes us a dinner to take home every Saturday, that we usually end up eating for lunch all week. I do think it would be cool to go to Chili's and get a personal Molten Lava cake though.

Just yesterday we had the best dinner appointment of my mission. It was at the Reid's. The food was good (roast beef, potatoes with gravy and rolls! plus green beans too) just like home. toward the end of the dinner we were talking about how they now like to go to church when on vacation and one time they went to Jimmer's ward (in NY)! they didn't even realize it till someone mentioned seeing him there in their testimony. They looked around saw him and made sure to talk to him/get him to sign their program. They said he was a nice guy. But the thing that really made it the greatest was the conversation before that. soon after we go in Sister Reid says "guess what happened" and tells us about how her friend at work came and told her she wants to become a mormon! That's the kind of stuff we joke about happening! The stake is putting on a presentation put together by Elder Perry: "the mormon's next door" this sunday and the plan is for us to meet her there. as we were talking about it during dinner and encouraging her to invite other people too it as well she says something like "oh yea, I could invite my other friend who always says she thinks it would be great to be a mormon". holy cow! We're going back there this wednesday to follow up and see if she invited the people she was supposed to and how it went.
Anyway, there was great missionary work, good food and Jimmer stories. Kind of ridiculous.

the email had me laughing in many places. I bet Christopher is enjoying all his little chonchitos. What is the ultimate plan there? when can he sell them? does he feel somewhat weird about it?

Good update on football, mostly sad news though. I guess I hope Jackson does well in Atlanta, but I wish he would have stayed (or at least gone to New England). Also it looks weird to see they gave away their great running back and only receiver that frequently plays better than "very bad". literally no weapons left if the young guys don't pan out (plus that TE I guess). Also Jake Long could literally be the #1 player in the entire NFL the Rams would want to add on their team. Luckily I'm too busy talking to people who's friends "want to become mormon", and listening to members of the quorum of the 12 apostles to really worry about it. (which segues into...)

I forgot to mention last week that Elder Ballard was coming to our mission! he came and spoke to us Saturday. I didn't get to see him in person, but watched at a stake center (he was in Boston). An area 70 and Elder Christensen (in the presidency of the 70. Spoke in the last General conference about the holy ghost and I happened to quote from it the Sunday before at the Baptism we had). It was a really, very great experience. The spirit was very strong and I feel very inspired. He spoke about a lot, including how to have the spirit with you and become master teachers. The whole mission focus on working closely with the members and becoming part of the "very fabric of the ward" is exactly what they want to to be doing. I took lots of notes. super great. He left a blessing on all of us and our families.

Also on a side note, he was very funny. made a lot of jokes on the spot. If you were to combine Bishop Daines (who I think he looks like) and Brother Mack and make that person an apostle I think it would be Elder Ballard.

So basically it's been a really good week. The one we have planned coming up is already 95% booked until Friday, so hopefully we'll just keep carrying this momentum with us.

The picture of Quinn would have to make mom's top 3 for best timing on action shots. Nice work using the fancy phone. I hope griffin feels better.

Love you all!

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