Monday, June 24, 2013

Received Monday, June 24, 2013

Did you get the ward bulletin? yes! It was funny to see Andre Either made the bulletin  I couldn't believe all the announcements either. Do we still have some singers in the southern California Mormon choir?

Do you do service on other days besides your p-day?
yes. we actually don't do any service on p-day. I few people have asked us about that, but I feel like I've never heard of missionaries doing service on p-day. We do service every Tuesday with an old couple who still get all their heating from burning wood, and have a giant property (they used to raise Beefalo, a mix between cow and buffalo) and they always have stuff for us to do. Also last week we went to 2 different soup kitchens to volunteer. We'll try to pick on of them to be regular helpers at.

What did you have for dinner on Sunday?
Good question. We were at the Andersen's home. they really felt like they knew someone else with connections at arcadia. Sister Andersen asked if I new a Jim Fox in the ward. I said yes! tell brother fox I'm in his cousin, Leslie Andersen's ward. Also they mentioned they were great friends with Erica Moore!  Ashley Andersen is home from BYU for the summer (1 year older than me) and she said she was great friends with Erica. They told me I should go out with her when I get back. I said that I didn't say hi to her in my American Heritage class, so too late for that. All this was happening as we ate some delicious taco's, and then chocolate cake. Logan Andersen (going to a be a junior at high school next year) said he would invite his friend Ben to mutual this week.

What did YOU think of the WW training?
It was good. I enjoyed watching it. The things that were sort of new-ish were how much they are going to be implementing technology for missionaries (no word for here in the MBM yet) and talking about having our chapels open all the time for tours, so there's still some questions to be answered. I think a lot of it is they just want to help people be missionary minded in everyday life. There is no formula, it's just a lifestyle. I thought the section of the faith needed for missionary work stuck out to me (and fun to see young Monson). Last general conference in Elder Andersen's talk he gave a promise that as people sincerely pray about who to share the gospel with names and faces will come to mind. A few times here in Canton ward I feel like I've seen that promise come true, but often people will say they prayed about it, and "I thought of my co-worker _____, but she would never join because _______ (is an atheist, or strong in another church, etc) and my friend_____ but I can't say anything to her because ______ (she would get offended, won't ever be able to keep ____ commandment or etc) when in actuality a lot of these people are being prepared to hear the gospel and we as imperfect people are just unable to see it.

I wish I could have a hard copy of all that was said to read it over, I'm sure there is more to be gleamed. One thing for me that stuck out also (besides just another confirmation that working with the members is central to everything) is we need to do a better job of having the ward leadership come with us on some of our visits, both to less actives and investigators.

Does each companionship have one phone to share?
yes. the AP's have a phone per each missionary though

When one missionary gets transferred, the phone stays there?

How will it be decided who will get a car, who will get to ride a bike?
It's all the mission president. It's part of the very tough decisions they have to make

How are all your clothes holding up?
doing great. Maybe I'll get my suits and things dry cleaned since I hit the year mark

How are the necks of your white in dirty, or clean?
doing fine. They don't ever come out sparkling shiny, but it's not too bad.

Have you seen any other missionaries that wear a retainer at night?
no, but many have admitted their supposed to. Some say they're supposed to, but it doesn't fit anymore, so they don't. I'll make sure I don't slip into that category.

Does your apartment have air conditioning?
yea, and it works well.

How are your shoes...wearing out?
doing just fine. My tennis shoes are doing fine also.

You guys did tons of stuff! it all sounded fun. That's really exciting about Grandma too. What did she do to help quit smoking? any of the old querky things like cinnamon sticks and gum?

Good to hear the many adventures we're basically enjoyed by all, because even if something is worse than school, it's ok as long as you don't get homework!

Too bad about Christophers broken nose though! if it's going to happen, basketball's a good way to do it at least. The first thing I thought when reading that was the facemask thing.

did Griffin do all the big rollercoasters at 6 flags? I think that's a fun park.

I also got the package about my year mark. It was very fun. Greatly enjoyed Griffin's talk, good to know dad is still throwing things across the table and good to know Griffin's food always still tasted good even when stuff fell on it from the cross-table passes. I wore my shirt the very next day after I opened it up

We helped someone move I thought it was the perfect chance. It was admired by many. 

Also, at the top of the letter inside (EDITOR:inside the box that I sent for his 1 year anniversary) you put the quote by Elder Andersen "this isn't missionary work, it's missionary fun" if you look at the talk (and the footnote) you will see when he said that he was quoting something Jackson Haight said to him over the phone about working on the digital mission here in the Boston Mission. Jackson is the son of president Haight, 2nd counselor to president Packard.

Rubik's cube: Now that I have one I feel the need to solve it once, then I can always say I did. Can you send instructions? Elder Stevens was really excited to see I got one and asked if he could scramble/solve it. I said only if he knew for sure he'd be able to re-fix it afterwards, because I kind of liked having it all lined up. The colors on it are cooler than regular ones. He scrambled it up when I got it and has been tinkering with it since, to no avail. He's gotten "very close" many times, but alas, we are not playing horse shoes.

We played football last week like I said. It was very fun. Elder Stevens didn't super want to go, but I'm glad he was willing to give it a try. He played in the 1st of our 2 games. I won both times and really enjoyed it. Had to quarterback us for a few drives in one game (I think in the 4 drives I was passing I had 1 pass td, 1 run td, and 1 pick and 1 turn over on downs).

Today elder Stevens said he wanted to play tennis. He hasn't played much before, but their were rackets and balls in our apartment and he wanted to give it a try. We played for about an hour this morning. I was glad that my (very low) expectations were exceeded. We never kept score and it was very different from the "You play to win the game!" style that I am used to, but it was still fun to do some physical activity for a while.

We had a pretty good and productive week. had good meetings with active and less active members and investigators and met 3 new people with fairly strong potential to become investigators. The first happened because there was an older single lady at church I didn't know, who is active so we asked if we could come by some time and talk because we're trying to meet everyone. She said yes, and in fact her brother was just moving into her house, so we wouldn't even have to find a chaperon to come with us; also he wanted to feed us. Nice. While at church we asked about her brother's potential receptiveness to the gospel, and what about the gospel we could talk about that would most likely catch his interest. We wanted to make it as easy and natural to have an uplifting/spiritual discussion during dinner, so when we got there for the dinner appointment I asked If I could leave our spiritual thought that the beginning of dinner instead of the end. The plan worked great. We had great discussion over pizza and nothing formal about teaching him was set up, but they both said we could pop by anytime for a glass of water and to talk or whatever. Perfect. Also they said they leave the door open and we could just come by and eat whatever's in the fridge if their not home (not a joke).

the 2nd is when we dropped by a house of some members on our ward list we'd never heard of. I 20's looking girl answered and said her dad was an inactive member and she investigated the church in the past and really considered joining the church, and was willing to give it a try again! she said she quit meeting with the missionaries then mostly because she was too busy.

the third is when we went to visit another inactive couple in the ward. Their neighbor was on the porch and we got talking to her (then the inactive couple came heard us and came out and talked too). We gave her a book of Mormon, and gave her a blessing too (at the suggestion of the inactive couple, she has cancer). She really enjoyed it all, but said she would need to talk to her husband. hopefully that goes well.

Oh, last exciting thing to report about. Yesterday on the way to dinner we saw a bald eagle! we saw it fly out of some trees right next to the road where we were driving. I parked and dashed out to try and take some pictures. We saw it one more time in our searchings, but only for a second and it flew away again. sorry no picture!

that's all from me!

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