Monday, December 17, 2012

Received Mon Dec 17, 2012

Zak, in front of the Boston, Mass temple
Did you get your energy balls in the mail??  How were they? Like how did they taste; what shape were they in?
I did! they were very scrumptious and were in regular ball form. I ate a bunch. Other liked them as well.
So I think I've mentioned before that my companion, Elder Beck has lost like 60 pounds on his mission, including a lot in this area. His biggest thinhg isa that he bascially cut out all sugary stuff. I've tried to sustain him in his diet/goal by eating pretty healthy as well, with the main exception being at members homes when they serve us dessert. At times I've done great at it and other times struggled not to munch on the nasty but delicious oreo's and stuff that are often in the apartment/are offered to us. Especially at the start of our companionship I did great at it untill after we did service at someone's house and they gave us a box of thin mints and within the hour I had eaten the entire box. This past week Elder Beck seemed to be more tempted than usual to break his diet, so I decided to support him 100% by not having any sugary stuff he disprove of at all for at least a week. I've done well so far (3 days I think)

That shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut: do you know about that? Is that in your mission?
I do know about it. I had heard a little bit about it and president Packard just sent us an email about it. I thought all of Connecticut was in our mission, but it must not because he said it was just under 10 miles from our mission. very sad.

You crying about the cold yet?
actually no. Eventually i'm going to end up buying some thermals (or thermal garments) but so far it hasn't felt that bad. Maybe i'm just more manly than ol'Tom so I can handle it better. Luckily we don't spend much time out walking in the cold, which is what makes it ok. every once and a while we'll have a cold day and i'll complain about it until it warms up. the system has worked well thus far. It only snowed on us once I think. it didn't really stick though. I think being by the coast helps. Elder Beck and Elder Wilding both want it to snow, but Elder Lopez (Brazilian) really hates the cold even worse than me.

some interesting things happened this week
we got transfer texts!! they came a week early because President wants people home for Christmas. I forgot to remind you. I am staying though. Phew! I was nervous I was leaving because Elder Beck and I have been together for 3 whole transfers now. Everyone in the apartment is staying. I think the next transfer is 7 weeks long to make up for it (they are normally 6). 2 people from our district are leaving, including our district leader. Elder Wilding got called on Saturday and was told he is the new district leader. Today we found out someone else in the district was also told they are the new DL. we really think he is splitting the district, which I can see the sense of, but it is still odd. We'll here officially probably later this week, but that would mean our entire district is now the 4 elders in our apartment and the Simpsons. All of us in the same area.
About P-day today (and being late). Late ast night some elders from our district unexpectedly showed up at our apartment because they wanted to have a district pday together before transfers. We drove up to their area and played some weird (but fun) card game called The Good, The Bad, and The Munckin, while we waited for other people to get there, Then we played real life Waldo in the mall, which was only medium fun. It's cool to do things with the district, but we always end up getting back late ( our area's are about 45 mins away).
Yesterday we had a baptism! it was for Maria, the foster mom of Chris and a few others. She is a really solid convert. She has seemed worthy for at least a month, but for waited until now to get baptized. She'll be a strong member here. A member of the bishopric baptized her, which is perfect.
Dave, our investigator who has a baptismal date (not till the beginning of February because he has a lot to work through still) came to church for the first time yesterday and stayed and watched the baptism and really liked the whole thing. We're also teaching him later today (Word of Wisdom).
We also had a less active family come that we've been working with for the first time (with us) yesterday who also liked it, so it was a productive week. We still haven't had face to face contact with Miranda in forever which is disappointing  We were supposed to see her yesterday but she had to do homework or something.
We also already have a pretty fully scheduled week ahead of us, so that's good too.

how come Griffin hasn't asked any questions for the past few weeks? he used to do that all the time.

I got a letter/card from Quinn today from seminary, but not the seminary card. I liked it, espcially the early-morning-ness of it.

I also got the card about the burned down house AND guessed what BDH meant. I was very proud of myself.
I also got other cards from nice people in the ward/stake and a card from Grandma.
also, the Cornwalls have a son in Plymouth  who is a ward mission leader who worked with Elder Beck! that was Elder Beck's first area.

How is Quinn doing in track? is it nice for him to have his eagle and finished his byu app? How is track going?

I bet the missionaries there liked coming over.

About Christmas and calling home, we haven't figured out what we're going to do. We might be at a member’s home. I'll let you know next week (Christmas eve!)

We've been listening a lot to the new CD you sent me (The Work). it is great

That's everything! Remember to be grateful for the knowledge you have that so little of the world does! Hang to the Iron Rod!

Love, Elder Zak

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